
I’m finding inspiration all around me these days. Life is very good.

Yes, you can find it in the flowers, the trees, the animals and at the beach. That’s not the inspiration I’m talking about right now though.

I recently came from a very productive meeting with a friend and business colleague of mine. He’s an Elder Law Attorney with lots of great stories. I find that visits with him easily become a fun filled two hours of us sharing stories of our lives and business experiences. It’s nice to find a kindred spirit in a related field of business to mine. He is someone on a similar path of growing their own business and serving families as they plan for the inevitable. His name? Benjamin John Kiniry!

I had a similar experience recently when interviewing Laurel Trahan of Age at Home, an in-home care company, here in New Hampshire. Again, I have found a kindred spirit who has making a difference in the lives of others her main focus. I know you will come to admire her as I do when our video interview is ready for release (I already released one segment and there are more to come. Sign up for my newsletter and you'll be sure to receive them!). She is amazing, kind and genuine. The type of people you want to surround yourself with. She is the type of person who you would easily entrust the care of your loved one to. Very special!

My third example of the beauty of those around me is my childhood friend and now business associate, Bil Rogers of 1L Media. Bil and I are working together on my interview series, some new brochures and updating my videos to be more the high grade professional quality he has to offer, than my do-it-myself to get this party started approach. He also has a passion for helping those who need help telling their stories or having a strong person to advocate for them. You should check out his documentary on the Laconia State School. Here’s a link to it on u-tube  Great work Bil! 

Ever since embarking on my own business venture full time earlier this year, I find myself surrounded by amazing professionals who join me on my path to help make the world a better place and to make life easier for those who are finding themselves doing the duty of caring for their aging loved ones. Truly, the list could encompass far more than the three listed above. My goal is to continue to meet with these fantastic souls, to work with them and together to help you all make a positive difference in the lives of those you touch as well.

Stay tuned for more to come. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve. I promise you a fun and positive ride in the days, weeks, months and years to come!

I hope you and your family had a very nice Thanksgiving [For those of you out of the US, that's one of our major holidays and it was just this past Thursday.] For me, it was the one-year anniversary of my Mother's passing, so a very difficult and different day for my family and I, but a beautiful one none-the-less! I am very thankful for all of the amazing people in my life. Yes, you are one of them!



P.S. The artwork accompanying this is done by my friend, Denise Green, an artist in Warner, New Hampshire. If you want to see more of her work, let me know and I will connect you!