Interesting Reading...


On occasion I write something that I set aside for another time - until Spirit moves me!  The following blog post was written in September 2015, but for some reason, I kept putting off posting it until now.

Now feels like the right time and it also ties in with my recent newsletter and Bow Times "On Aging" Article about "Faith". So, here you go!

On my vacation this past August (2015), I brought the usual assortment of books with me. I find that I always have several going at all times. I try to limit the starting of a new book until I finish one of the many already under way, but that doesn’t always work as a fun new topic or title catches my eye and draws me in.

This time, it was an interesting mix of viewpoints. It surely had to be divine inspiration that would have me read any of these books, much less all of them in the same week. Here’s a short book report of each to paint you a picture.

*    My quid pro quo going into this is that I am a Spiritual Teacher, however, I try to stay away from being too Spiritual and/or Woo-Woo in my community projection (writings, postings and speaking engagements) as I believe we should all formulate our own views and not try to force our views on others. With that said, please take this write up as a mere observation of these books and how I perceived them. I wish you no swaying and I certainly am not trying to open up any cans of worms…

Okay, here goes!

1.      The Tibetan Book of the Dead, Edited by John Baldock

2.      God’s Message to the World: You’ve Got Me All Wrong, by Neale Donald Walsch

3.      You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times, by Max Lucas

4.      Archangels & Ascended Masters, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D

 I know, just looking at the list makes you go – say what?! I’m not sure I want to read on… Or, Oh, this should be interesting! Either way, bear with me. I have no idea why I would read these books all in conjunction, but I liken it to the day that I decided to take Sociology and Psychology in the same semester in college. It was not recommended, but strangely enough they all went together – and against each other – quite nicely.

 So, book one: The Tibetan Book of the Dead was assigned to me as summer reading for my Energy Healing course with The Deborah King Center. It focuses on the rituals and readings that ancient Tibetans believed should be read to dying or dead people to help them in their journey to what comes after this life.

 I found it to be difficult to read only in that it doesn’t really match up with my beliefs and some of the ancient commentary was a bit off-putting for a modern day lady. For example, at one point it suggests that if one wants to be reborn they should choose a male body as that is more desirable. Say what?!!

 It also described the stages that people pass through at the end of life and after death as a bit more hellish and testing of the spirit than I believe them to be. However, not having experienced it myself yet, I’ll have to wait and see how things really unfold. I’m okay with waiting.

Book Two: God’s Message to the World: You’ve Got Me All Wrong came to my attention this past June (2015) at the Celebrate Your Life (CYL) conference in Chicago, IL. The Author, Neale Donald Walsch, was a speaker there and I went to see him. Having not read any of his extremely famous Conversations With God books, the first of which was celebrating its 20th anniversary as was CYL, I was not sure what I was in for. I was pleasantly surprised. He’s an amazing guy and I was drawn to purchase this book when I returned home as it was the one that resonated most with me.

 I’ve always felt that no particular religion fit me right. I thought it was odd how they were all fighting for, and recruiting themselves as, the only right and true religion out there when some things about each just didn’t jive for me. This book did a good job of matching up how I feel about God and religion.

 Book Three:  You’ll Get Through This by Max Lucas was given to me by my cousin as a gift when we talked about the new business I had launched and my goal to help people cope with care giving, terminal illness and losing the ones that they love. He was right. I think it will help a lot of people. I plan to keep it on my list of books to direct people to when they are trying to figure things out.

 It is a particularly religious book. So, I will choose carefully who I recommend it to. It ties the story of Joseph in the Bible (which is one of my personal favorites) to modern day issues that we all stand a chance of facing. It gives hope and positive solutions along with words of wisdom. These are all things I like to see and offer to people. It does take a person of a certain religion and a very strong belief in that religion (in my opinion) to be able to make it through it. That is why I will choose carefully who I suggest it to so they have the most positive experience possible.

 Book FourArchangels & Ascended Masters, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D was one I found through Hay House. I am a very big fan of theirs as I have found a lot of people and programs there that do resonate with me and my search for what I truly believe to be real spiritually for me.

This book is more of a who’s who of Archangels and Ascended Masters. After all, when you want your car fixed, you go to the mechanic; when you want your body fixed, you consult a medical professional; and so on. So, when you’re asking for help from the higher powers don’t you want to ask the right one for that help? I do. It was very interesting and it is a tool that I will keep handy so that as situations arise I can reference who I should be consulting with for higher guidance.

 I do have to say that my study into angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters has ruined my television watching as I now “know too much”. This is probably how true medical professionals and attorneys feel when they see the TV dramatized versions of their professions incorrectly portrayed. Oh well. Such is life.

I hope you found this light and informational versus swaying or preachy. I also hope that I may have peaked your interest in checking out one or two of these books. They all had their high points. Likewise, the varying positions on things were interesting to me as well.

 I have tried harder in recent years to look at my opinions on things and how I arrived at them. Generally it is through my own life experiences of what worked and felt right and what didn’t. This is how we learn and grow.

 Another way we learn and grow further is to then take a look at the other point of view and evaluate it. I find that by listening to the advocates for the things I didn’t initially favor I gain an appreciation and understanding for them. This gives me a broader perspective and better enables me to help the people I serve. I hope you will consider doing the same. Likewise, if you read any of these books, I welcome your input and opinions on them. Again, I’m not looking to argue religious points, and I am not looking to be sold or converted either, so please take that into account when you reach out.

 Until we talk again, may your God bless and keep you!