Look to the Future and Brighter Days Ahead

This is a poem by Kerry McCaskill, from the book "Life Can be Hard Sometimes...but It's Going to Be Okay." It's a collection of poems edited by Susan Polis Schultz. This is a book my father gave to me at a difficult time in my life. It's full of inspiring poems, so this is just one of many.

I chose this one as I am currently teaching a course on "Coming to Terms with Terminal Illness". It resembles a lot of the lessons I like to share with my students. I hope you enjoy it!

Lots of Love,


"Look to the Future and Brighter Days Ahead
Sometimes it seems like the world is crumbling around us and we just can't go on.
But those are the times when we most need to look to the future,
to hold on to our faith and hope and to each other.
One of the hardest things to accept is the realization that
things that make no sense to us now may never make any sense,
but life will go on anyway - with no explanations or apologies,
and that we somehow survive the changes thrust upon us.
We even manage to grow...but nothing grows without rain,
so when it begins to pour, let it flow.
And when the storm has passed, let it go.
Be kind to yourself; ask for what you need.
You are not alone."